Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Competetion

The Mumbai Science Teachers’ Association Conducts Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Spardha since 1981 to encourage students to take interest in science, to inculcate scientific attitude and to search science talent in students. The competition is conducted for the students studying in VI and IX Std.

This competition is based on scientific knowledge acquired by the students up to std. VI and IX. This competition is conducted in English and Marathi Media.

Exam Pattern & Reward

This competition is conducted in three phases as described below.

Phase No.

Description of the phase

Max Marks

Duration of exam

Selection Procedure

Phase I

Written test
100 multiple choice questions based
science & G.K. in science


90 min.

a) Top 7.5% students are selected for phase II
b) Students obtaining marks above 35 will get Passing certificate

Phase II

Practical Test :
For VI std.:
There will be 10
experiments of 3 marks each based
on general science.
For IX std. :



30 min

10 min
10 min
10 min

a) All candidates get merit certificate.
b) Selection for phase III -30%
of the marks obtained in phase I and marks obtained in phase II are considered.
c) Top 10 % students are selected for phase III

Phase III

Interview- a) General interview
b) Evaluation of action research report


5 to 10 min.
5 to 10 min.

a) Considering 30% marks of Phase I, + Marks of Phase .II & Ph.III., top 10% will get Gold Medal, certificate and scholar ship of Rs. 700/-
b) Rest of the candidates will get silver medal, certificates and prize of Rs. 100/


Anything covered up to 12th standard level from both CBSE and ICSE board.

Tentative Schedule

Usually, Last week of October to first week of November.



Monthly Fellowship

Annual Contingency Grant

SA (After X Class)

Rs. 4000

Rs. 16000

SX /SB – during 1st to 3rd years of – B.Sc./B.S. /Integrated M.Sc. /M.S

Rs. 5000

Rs. 20000

SX /SB – during M. Sc. / 4th to 5th years of Integrated M.Sc. /M.S.

Rs. 7000

Rs. 28000

Selection in each phase for Mumbai, Thane and Rest of Maharashtra region is done separately and also selection for each standard and medium.


Textbooks of IV, V and VI std of SSC syllabus and Content related to the above from ICSE and CBSE books for 6th std.

Textbooks of VII, VIII and IX std of SSC syllabus and Content related to the above from ICSE and CBSE books for 9th std.

Marathi medium students should refer the English medium textbooks and the ICSE, CBSE books for examples.

Majority of the questions will be from SSS board text books.

Less emphasis will be given for knowledge based questions and more emphasis for understanding, reasoning, correlation, etc.

The questions related to general knowledge in science will be based on the topics like happenings of the last year and science around day to day life.


Stage 1 (Dr. Homi Bhabha Bal Vaidnyanik competition): Mid September, 100 Marks, 90 Minutes

Stage 2 (Practical Competition): Mid January

Stage 3 (Interviews): Mid February

Distribution of Marks

Std IX: Physics – 30 marks, Chemistry – 30 marks, Maths – 30 marks, General knowledge in Science – 10 marks

Std VI: General science – 90 marks, General knowledge in Science – 10 marks

Source: https://msta.in

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